© 1998, WaRP Graphics, a part of the ElfQuest family.

Pridewalkers created by: Tawmis

These elves are much like the Wolfriders of ElfQuest, save for these elves live off the plains, rather than the dense forests. Also, instead of bonding to wolves, as the Wolfriders have, they have found better allies in bonding with lions.

They are much like their lion beasts; often lazy or sleeping for most of the day, more active towards the evening.

They know of humans, and do not tolerate them. Humans have, for too long, tried to drive the elves away, unwilling to share the game of the land, calling the elves "demons" due to their close nature with the lions.

Pridewalkers do have Soul Names, although Recognition rarely, if ever, takes place - due to the small size of the tribe. (Of course, if they have contact with other, outside tribes, the chance for Recognition to take place greatly increases).


STR	2D6 + 5				Age:	1D10 + 1D10 + 2D6
CON	2D6 + 6				Move:	5 yards per strike rank
SIZ	2D3 + 1				Weapons:spear
INT	3D6					bolas
POW	2D6 + 4					club
DEX	2D6 + 6					short swords
APP	2D6 + 6					axe
						pole lasso

Beginning skills

Attack w/one weapon			STR + DEX
Attack w/one missile weapon		STR + INT
Attack w/spear (specialized by tribe)	(STR + DEX) * 2
Climb 					(STR + DEX - SIZ) * 2
Communication				INT + APP
Dodge					(INT + DEX) * 2
Lore, Animal				INT * 2
Lore, Elf				INT
Lore, Healing				INT
Lore, Human				INT * 2
Lore, Language				INT
Lore, Mechanical			INT / 3
Lore, Mineral				INT / 2
Lore, Plant				INT * 3
Lore, Troll				INT
Manipulation				(STR + DEX) * 2
Parry w/one weapon			POW + DEX + STR
Perception				(INT + POW) * 2
Ride, Lion				DEX * 3
Stealth					(INT + DEX - SIZ) * 3
Swim					INT + POW + DEX
Throw					(STR + DEX) * 2

Magic Powers

Animal bonding*				POW * 2
Healing					POW / 3
Magic Feeling*				POW * 2
Plant Shaping				POW * 2
Sending*				POW * 2

* Denotes common power.

Current Tribe:

Chief Pridemane (male) - Chieftess Foxfair (female)
		Bloodtail (their son)

Mistdancer (female) - tanner of the tribe

Briarjumper (male) - one of the hunters

Wintercoat (male) - chief hunter of the tribe - Feathersoft (female)
		Raincatcher (daughter)

Freebranch (female)

Truelight (female)

Moonhunter (female)

Stormmaker (male)  - Fireheart (female) - hunters of the tribe

Thornsong (male) - Clearshade (female)

Trailtricker (male)

Berrybush (a presever that is with the Pridewalkers)

History of the Pridewalkers

When the High Ones came to the world, they were greeted with hatred; and murder. The High Ones were forced to flee for their lives, as the humans drove them from their Palace home. The world that they were forced to live on was much different than the world they had originally known; it was wild. The High Ones were dying and dying quickly, unable to adapt to the new world which would become their home. As they split different ways, seeking different things, the origin of the Pridewalkers begins with Yamerian (ya-mar-in). A beautiful female elf, with long blond flowing hair; she had managed to escape the dark woods, and fled into the plains. It was there, she had climbed into a small tree and lapsed into unconsciousness. However, much to her despair, she would awake to see great beasts sleeping around the base of the very tree that she had fell unconscious. Unsure what to do, she took the form of the creatures she saw at the base of the tree; praying they would not attack their own kind. She was sadly mistaken. The creatures were lions, and extremely territorial. The lions beat her into submission; and when the time came, in her lion form, she had to prove herself. She had done so, and won a space in the lion's den. She found, in this guise, the lions were the ones who preyed on the weaker animals; and as much as she hated it, this is the form she took in order to survive. However, the longer she remained in the lion form, the more lion-like she became. Eventually she would give birth to cubs; but they would be the strangest cubs of the pack. They were part lion, part elf. Covered in fur, and appearing to be an elf, save for the large mane around its head; the cubling grew up to become a powerful hunter. The cub's name would be Yadardearine (ya-dear-ur-in). This is how the legacy of the Pridewalkers would begin, an origin very similar to the wolfriders.

The chain continued until the elves became what they are now; shorter versions of the High Ones, with big and powerful manes around the males, while the female elves have an abundance of hair. Males often have hair coming down on their cheeks called "face fur" (which is much like side burns). They do not grow any other facial hair.

Last Update: Dude, just now!
Web Author: Adam-X Studios
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