ElfQuest: Stonehowl Holt!
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krwordgazer wrote:

A reunion
A journey
The spirit of a dead person/animal/thing
A smile
A dream


Hammerfang, with his sandy blond hair looked to Lionheart. “Why would the humans be coming with fire?”

“Do not panic just yet,” Lionheart smiled. “You know the humans.”

Shadow’s complexion bleached white.

He knew why the humans were coming with fire.

He looked around him.

Nothing but dry grass.

The humans were going to burn the land.

Shadow looked to Lionheart. “I know why the humans may be coming. If it’s the same humans… one of their own… killed my… Soul Mate… I… reacted… killed one of their hunters…”

Lionheart seemed unusually tranquil despite the news. “Such accidents happen. These humans are newly arrived. We have crossed each other’s pass several times.”

“Yet you don’t call the others to prepare for a battle? Lionheart, I mean no disrespect, but I have seen what humans do with fire,” Shadow explained. “They use it for destruction.”

“They also use it for warmth and to see in the dark,” Lionheart countered. “Now relax yourself.”

“Relax my-…” Shadow shook his head. He looked to the rest of the Stonehowl tribe and nodded. Each of them knew what the look meant; if this got violent, be ready for action.

“Hail,” the human in the front called.

Shadow turned. What was it? Something…

“We come to bring peace,” the human shouted, calling the other humans to halt. “I understand there was a misunderstanding… a tragic accident.”

That scent…

Shadow tried to look through the smoke that flickered from the torches the humans carried. The smoke was covering a scent. Something he knew.

The human finally lowered his torch and kneeled before the pride of elves before him. “I understand that one of my hunters accidently killed one of your own; my two hunters claim that one of your own retaliated. But to this, I offer you myself, for the life we have accidently taken. I know it does not bring back the one you…”

“Wurik?” Shadow muttered.

The human looked up. “Who…”

“Wurik,” Shadow repeated.

Wurik stood. “By Grethen’s Eyes! Is that you Shadow?”

“It … it is,” Shadow stammered. “High Ones. Wurik. You’re alive.”

“As are you,” the tall human stood. “What are you doing here?”

“We left… to find others of our kind…” Shadow explained. “We believed there had to be others… just as you had mentioned other humans… And we…”

“Found them, I see,” Wurik smiled.

“The one your hunter killed,” Shadow said flatly. “She was my soul mate.”

Wurik’s smile faded. “By Grethen’s Eyes, Shadow. I am sorry. I did not recognize her. Assumed she was a member of this pride of elves.”

“She is – was - one of the daughters of the High Ones,” Shadow stammered, the images of Joybringer fluttering through his mind, as if touched by the corners of a butterfly’s wings; like a dream he could see, but never grasp onto. Shadow felt tears sting the corner of his eyes as he fought them from falling. “I want to… kill every human… I see…” Shadow admitted. His heart ached, and doubled, each time it beat in his chest. “For… as long… as I could… I fought the Recognition between us… my heart belonged to Foxhair… but my soul… my soul called for Joybringer… I never surrendered to it… and now it’s as if she was still alive… my soul refuses to let go of her… and each beat of my heart… pains me… more so than the last… and each beat… screams for vengeance.”

Wurik’s face continued to pale as he took an uncertain step backwards.

“I know it’s not your fault,” Shadow continued, but he couldn’t see the world around him. All he saw was fluttering images of Joybringer all around him. “I know your hunters did not mean it… but there’s an urge inside of me… an urge I can’t even begin to control… and our healers… they can’t heal me…” He shook his head. “I have felt Stream’s touch on me at night… but this isn’t mind madness… not this time… this is a soul… that’s broken… and unsure of what it should do.”

Stillbreeze approached Shadow who was gripping the hilt of his sword so tightly that his knuckles had turned bleach white. Gently she whispered, “Chief, hear your words.”

“I hear them,” Shadow choked. “I hear them. And I believe them. They took Purespring. They took Wildthorn. They took Joybringer. They have taken much from us. How many more will they take?” Shadow looked at Wurik, his eyes now streaming with the tears he had fought so desperately to hide. There was remorse in Shadow’s eyes, but the words that fell from his lips were frigid and frightening, “If we wipe out every human… they won’t be able to take any more away from us.”

“You speak madness,” Stillbreeze whispered. “You need rest.”

“I will never be able to rest,” Shadow shook his eyes. For the first time, Stillbreeze saw the deep sockets of black beneath his eyes. He had not been sleeping for days now. Even before Joybringer’s untimely demise. “How will I ever rest knowing that some human – or even troll! – might be out there – somewhere lurking in the shadows! Either waiting to kill one of us – or accidently do so!”

Stillbreeze, her eyes hurting, turned to Foxhair who was weeping. The look in Stillbreeze’s eyes was enough to snap Foxhair out of her own sorrows of hearing how Shadow’s soul had longed for Joybringer; something she had always wanted for herself, and believed that one day that she and Shadow would Recognize one another and bare a cub together and share a connection much deeper than the love they already shared.

It wasn’t unheard of that one might Recognize another after a Soul Mate after one has passed; it’s happened before within Stonehowl – but it was such a rare event, that the idea of Recognition between Shadow and Foxhair seemed as likely as one day touching the moons that watched the dark skies.

Foxhair wrapped her arms around Shadow and looked at Lionheart as she passed him. “Is there somewhere he can rest?”

Lionheart gestured behind him. “We slumber against the trees, usually during the day, away from the sun.” Several lions sniffed and hissed as Foxhair and Shadow passed them; but none made a move to attack.

Stillbreeze looked at Wurik. “My apologies for our chief. He has been under much distress. I also apologize and mourn for the loss of your tribesman. What happened was a tragic accident.”

“An accident?” Daymist snapped. “They killed her.”

“Wardance, Warsong,” Stillbreeze barked. “Silence her.”

Without even hesitating, they did as Stillbreeze had commanded, restraining her.

Stillbreeze looked back to Wurik. “I hope that we can both forgive one another for what’s happened, and understand that no ill intentions were meant. Your hunter has slain one of ours, thinking it was part of the hunt; one of our own retaliated and took the life of your hunter. Blood has been spilled. Let us pray it’s the last of it between us.”

Wurik stood and nodded his head. “I pray to Grethen or your High Ones, that Shadow recovers, and one day forgives us, and finds the spirit he once had.”

“As do I,” Stillbreeze whispered.

Wurik led the humans away; while Stillbreeze watched; half expecting the humans to burn the plains down.

“You handled yourself well,” Lionheart’s voice snapped Stillbreeze back to reality. “Much better than your chosen Sire.”

“Our chief is ill,” Stillbreeze answered. “He is not himself.”

“Still,” Lionheart commented. “I’ve never seen a female stand up like that. Is that common among your tribe?”

“Very,” she said, looking at Lionheart, then walking past him to check on Shadow.